
2:30 pm start



  • Roundtable updates on committee projects

    Fusor: Vacuum testing 2 weeks ago: oil diffusion pump works, but there’s a leak at 7 microns: need to be 0.1 microns.  We will try running anyway and should see fusion.

    Staubli robot arms: will start again

    Fume hood: need to submit permit this week

    Analog Thing: did some quantum simulations, Rob will teach Kevin how it works.  Got RCA cables to output video signal via a python script

    Eyewash stations: need to check 

    Science area Remodel: doors still need latches (new magnets) and need to cut shelf liners

    Rocket SIG: Working on test stand and coding.  Need to get permission from the BOD to fire the rocket in the parking lot.

    We’re looking at purchasing a HPLC for chemistry work: used for separating molecules based on pH

  • Discussion and voting on current issues

    Electroplating class: will get the class going again

    Kevin: come up with kit based model for Science- Nick suggested weather balloon kit

    Come up with ideas for next time.

    New startup from S. America: light from seawater?

Discussion items


Action items