Thanks to everyone who attended our first Science Sunday! That went better than I expected.
Fun Activity of the Week: Making Slime
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3D Vapor Smoothing Project Summary:
- Two potential new designs for smoothing chambers were presented.
- It was determined that the project will be split between Design/Build team and a Metrology team.
- Design: Decided to pursue both the simple design that can likely be easily made by anyone (to promote open source knowledge) and the more complex design that give us more control over process variables. Initial mechanical design planned for next week.
- Metrology: Test coupon designs, graphene chemoresistive acetone sensors, and procedures for optical measurements/comparisons will be developed (potentially computer vision aided).
- Schlieren photography (optical or computational) of density gradients is also potentially an option. Tensile/impact strength testing is eventually desired. But a decision on whether we want to adopt those tasks as a Scence Sunday projects probably needs a committee vote.
Description Prior to Event:
Inaugural Science Sunday: Slime and Smoothing (12/1)
1. Fun Activity: Make Slime and Oobleck
Our fun activity of the week will be a simple classic. We will make both slime and oobleck and you can take home a container of slime with you as well. Feel free to stop by as long as supplies last even if you aren't planning on participating in our group research project.
2. Group Research Project: 3D Vapor Smoothing Chamber Planning Session
We have selected the design of a new, improved 3D Vapor smoothing chamber as our initial project. This first meeting will be mostly a design and planning meeting covering the following items. (1) The current state of the of the chemical mechanical polishing process will be demonstrated so that improvements can be suggested and tools designed. (2) We will then discuss the proposed design of the 3D vapor smoothing chamber and determine the overall scope and goals of the project (potentially publishable results) as well as putting together a plan to build the first test chamber. (3) We will also work on designing a printed test pattern to use as a sample which will be cross-sectioned (possibly via lapidary type polishing methods after setting in epoxy) and examined under the microscope. (4) We may potentially improve process control using acetone concentration sensors that we develop. This would also potentially allow us to use CFD to model the vapor flow patterns and inform modifications to the design.
See: Vapor Smoothing Chamber for ABS 3D Prints for more details.
Potential Relevant Fields and Skills: 3D printing, Mechanical Design/Engineering, Lapidary/Polishing, Laser (sensor fabrication), Electronics, Automation, Metal Working, Glass Working.