Excellent turnout again! Special thanks to Amelia Greisch for showing up with bucket hat patterns for the solar radiative cooling fabric project. We had a planning session and the next steps have been determined.
Our air vortex cannon for blowing smoke rings was more spectacular than anticipated!
Credit: Stephen Hatalla
Description Prior to Event:
Science Sunday #3 (12/15 - 3PM): Air Vortex Cannon and Solar Cooling Fabric
Fun Activity: Air Vortex Cannon
Build a small cup sized air-vortex cannon to take home and play with a larger air vortex cannon.
Group Research Project of the Week: Radiative Cooling Fabric
We intend to replicate some of the work in the literature making radiative cooling fabrics that can achieve sub-ambient temperatures. In collaboration with sewing, we intend to make a hat or umbrella. If the chemicals on order have arrived, then we may proceed directly with tests on fabric. If not, then we will do the planning for what kinds of metrology we want to do as well. And leftover time will be used to do the 3D Print smoothing chamber tasks that we did not get around to from last week.
See: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-021-00987-0