Each member of the Dallas Makerspace has access to 30 GB of Google Drive Storage. This storage is off site in Google's cloud and offers a number of beneficial features.

Step-by-step guide

Only a few steps are required to begin.

  1. From any computer connected to the Internet navigate to https://drive.google.com
  2. Login using your DMS Active Directory login user ID + '@dallasmakerspace.org', i.e. the user ID you use to log into onsite computers, your account, etc.
    1. Example: [email protected]
    2. You'll be redirected to a DMS sign on process. Use your user ID only, without the '@dallasmakerspace.org' and your normal password.
    3. Click on 'Sign In'
  3. That's all it takes to get started.

Follow this link to access the main Google Drive Help system: https://support.google.com/drive#topic=14940

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