This letter is to serve as formal notification as required by ยง4.6.1(5) of the Dallas Makerspace Bylaws that I am officially submitting my name as a candidate for election to the Board of Directors for The Dallas Makerspace for the 2018 annual term.

I have been a member of the Dallas Makerspace for approximately two and a half years and have very much come to enjoy my time at the space! I have served as chairperson of the PR_Committee with the primary successes being the hosting of the annual open house, as well as the continued growth of the Makerspace's membership through off site presentations as well as continued support of the weekly tour nights, which are increasingly popular and a great opportunity for growth for the Dallas Makerspace as a whole. I have taught classes in Metal Shop in support of the PlasmaCam as well as many classes on our Vinyl Cutter in the Creative Arts classroom.

There are many goals that I have for the Dallas Makerspace including items such as transparency, fiscal responsibility, expansion of space and capabilities as well as a social responsibility to our members and further to the surrounding community as a whole.

I believe that the original concept behind the Dallas Makerspace was that it could be viewed as different things to different people. Some members are interested in DMS as more of a social gathering place where they can grow as people, by learning and exchanging ideas and information. There are other members who have more of a 'tool rental' facility concept. Many of our members bristle at the thought of either of these extremes becoming the norm, yet my observations show that we need and rely on all types of members. Some provide funding through their memberships with very little use of the facilities, others are gracious with their time and willing to go above and beyond to grow DMS to what it has become today. As we move toward the future, maintaining a group of members that stay engaged is going to be a challenge that we need to address head-on.

As part of this Letter of Intent, I also agree to diligently execute the duties and functions as a member of the Board of Directors by: Making every effort to attend the annual meeting(s) and regular meetings as well as performing the duties and responsibilities of Director as outlined in the Dallas Makerspace Bylaws as well as the Dallas Makerspace Rules and Policies.

If elected, I am fully aware and understand the importance of my full participation as a productive and effective leader during my tenure on the Dallas Makerspace Board of Directors, and I agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Corporate Charter, Bylaws, Rules, and applicable government laws and regulations.

Nominated by: Syed Shareef, Nicole Franciavi, & others