2022 Statement of Intent for Curt Baker

As of 2022/04/20, I am withdrawing from this year's Board election. I have a number of things going on outside DMS, and their combined effect would keep me from focusing on the 'space as a good leader should. It's been an honor and a privilege to hold a place on the board for these past 2 years, thank you all for the opportunity to serve!


Hello, my name is Curt Baker, (on Talk I am BobTheMad - very old nickname, ask me some time for the backstory), and I am running for re-election to the DMS Board of Directors. I have been a member since 2015.


I bring numerous skills and significant experience to the table, including:

My leadership philosophy can be summed up in the following ways:

More details on my professional experience can be found on my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/curtisrbaker/


My high-level goals for the next year for the DMS would be:

  1. Rebuild membership numbers to pre-COVID levels
  2. Launch a DMS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program
  3. Continue and successfully complete the expansion project
  4. Research ways for members to easily find ways to volunteer, as well as acknowledge those who go above and beyond
  5. Determine the best solution for project storage while avoiding the abuses that have occurred in the past
  6. Continue to improve the new member onboarding experience
  7. Reach out to the Dallas/Fort Worth education and arts community to find projects on which we could collaborate in an effort to give back to the community


I look forward to continuing to serve the fantastic DMS community!


- Curt Baker

Endorsements: James Henningson, Julie Harris, Justin Walker