2022 Statement of Intent for Jack Smith

Hello, I am Jack Smith, and I am running for election to the DMS Board of Directors for 2022.

My goals this year focus on:

Why I contribute?

I appreciate and support DMS because I believe in the mission. I believe it is good when people can express their creative vision and develop their innovative spark. DMS enables access to tools, and building a supportive community is both enjoyable and rewarding.

My DMS membership started in 2016 and I recently moved closer to the space making it very easy to get more involved and contribute.

Who am I?

I’m Jack… yet another maker in the space. Since most of you don’t know me, here’s a summary.

For work I lead a team of engineers that designs and manufactures embedded industrial motherboards. I’ve been a technology leader for over 20 years, from chip design to storage and protocol expertise to cryptosecurity and now embedded systems.

Outside of work I foster healthy relationships with emotional intelligence, and have a strong support structure of friends and family across the nation. I moved to Dallas a few years ago, met a woman, fell in love and got married.

Three of my personality traits:

My favorite thread on Talk:


You can message me on Talk (username TJSmith) or on the DMS Discord.

If you vote for me, I can’t promise to be perfect, but I can commit to being a positive influence and a force for good in our community.

Thank you!


Endorsements: Julie Harris, James Henningson, Kevin Thompson