2022 Statement of Intent - John Fabrycki

Hello, my name is John Fabrycki ( aka the cutting board guy) and I am running for election to the DMS Board of Directors for 2022.

I am very active in DMS where I am currently an instructor in woodshop. You might have taken my basics class or one of my cutting board classes. I also spend time in ceramics and leather. I have had amazing teachers in my past that have walked with me and helped me get to where am I am now. I am so incredible grateful to all of them and I feel that the best way to show them the respect I feel they deserve is to help others. That is why I teach and contribute in any way I can. Hence running for the board of DMS.

I have had a professional job for the last 25 years and have been volunteering for over 30 years. Before I joined DMS, I was active at the Creative Arts Center here in Dallas where I raised a substantial amount of money for the school.

My goals for the upcoming year are to:
