
Our Bylaws require an annual election of our BoD, this page details the procedures that were used in the most recent election. These procedures should be updated whenever a change is made.


Set the date and location of the Annual BoD Election

This date should be selected as soon as is reasonable and the room booked on the Event calendar. The date for the 2018 BoD Election was picked far too late and required a rushed schedule. The date chosen was the April member meeting, 04/12/2018 at 8pm, which coincided with Tour Night. Since then, monthly member meetings have been moved to the 2nd Friday of the month at 7pm, to avoid Tour Night. The Interactive Room was already taken by a class, which required contacting the instructor to see if the class could be relocated to another classroom.

Set the timeline for the Annual BoD Election

Working backward from the election date, select dates and times for the deadlines for:

BoD Election Mailing

Use the MembersAddress.csv file to setup a mailing using LOB.com

In 2018, the mailing cost $1183.75

Text of Notification Letter

Dear Members, It’s time to elect our annual Board of Directors. The Dallas Makerspace’s annual meeting has been set to occur on [insert date] starting at [insert time]. This election will include selecting the [insert year] Board of Directors, and any other matters properly submitted for a vote by the membership [may include note "(none currently submitted)"]. Electronic voting will end at 12:00 PM on [insert date]. In-person and proxy voting will end at 9:30 PM. Electronic voting will include all matters submitted to be included for a vote at the Annual Meeting. Results of the election will be announced that night.

A list of the current candidates and their Statements of Intent can be found at: [insert link]

If you are not registered to vote, and want to do so in the upcoming election, you can register online at http://votingrights.dallasmakerspace.org or can register by emailing: [email protected]. You must have been a member in good standing 90 days prior to registering and be the primary account member.

If you do not plan on voting, please keep in mind that every registered voter that doesn’t show up (or send a proxy) makes it more difficult to meet quorum for the election. You can also remove your voting rights online at http://votingrights.dallasmakerspace.org or by emailing [email protected]

This year there are several critical issues coming up that will need to be decided by the [insert year] Board. We urge you to learn the candidates positions on these important topics and vote accordingly.

Thanks for being part of the Dallas Makerspace! See you at the election.

Sincerely yours,

The [insert current year] Board of Directors

Meet the Candidates

In 2018, was held in Lecture Hall.

Online Voting

Use the VotingMembers.csv file to setup online voting using SimplyVoting.com.

In 2018, SimplyVoting.com cost $200 and was procured by Ken Purcell.

Create Ballot

Create Voting Sheet

Use the VotingSheet.ods file, along with the VotingMembers and the SimplyVoting voter report to create the Voting Sheets. Create one blank Voting Sheet for late filers. In 2018, several members applied for voting rights on sight and therefore were not included on the pre-printed sheets. Also, the voting sheets had to be printed from LibreOffice so that one column of names could be inverted, so one name column faces the volunteer, the other faces the walk-up voter.

In Person Voting

Vote Counting

Post Election

Infrastructure Chair stored envelope of ballots in the cabinet in the server room.

Infrastructure Chair created @DallasMakerspace.org emails for the new BoD members and added them to the Admin@/DMSBiz@ email group.

Infrastructure Chair added the following AD rights to the new BoD members:

Post BoD Handover

Infrastructure Chair removes the outgoing BoD members from the Admin@/DMSBiz@ email group.

Infrastructure Chair removes the following AD rights from the outgoing BoD members (unless there is a good reason to keep specific rights):


Media:MembersAddress.zip This file contains a Windows .CMD file that must be run as an admin on a computer on the domain, it creates MembersAddress.csv, which is imported into LOB.com to send letters informing the membership of the BoD election.

Media:VotingMembers.zip This file contains a Windows .CMD file that must be run as an admin on a computer on the domain, it creates VotingMembers.csv, which is imported into the following Libre Office Calc file and is also used by Simply Voting as the list for electronic voting.

Media:VotingSheet.ods This Libre Office 5 Calc file uses the above .CSV file and the voting report from Simply Voting to create the Voter sign in sheet used to verify voters. Libre Office was used because Excel won't let you rotate text 180 degrees in a cell.