Instructions: Per the Bylaws, each candidate for the Board of Directors must submit a signed Statement of Intent. There are no requirements on the content, but typically it includes your Name, Goals, and Commitments.

I, Tim "Capt." Black, am submitting my Statement of Intent to run for the Board of Directors.

This is to serve as my letter of intent to run for the board of directors for the Dallas Makerspace

First of Who am I? Tim "Capt." Black, I have been a member here since 2016. If you have been here long enough to have voting rights then you have met me and probably taken a class from me.
Second in the journalist handbook 'What?' I am a bookbinder by trade, I also sometimes claim the title of local Luddite and analog voice of reason
Third 'When?' Or why now? I have seen what this space can be with a good group as BOD, I have seen bad groups and I have seen individuals that were more interested in self-promotion then the good of the space. So I am running to tilt the alignment to chaotic good.
'Where?' You can find me most days either in the common room, or the interactive room.
'Why?' For some reason(s) most of the old BOD has decided not to run again (life does that at times)
So come by and talk to me, more importantly Vote for me!
thank you for your time(does anyone really read these?)

Instructions: Consider Posting a link to Talk for additional visibility.

Signature  Instructions: Please sign your SOI by putting your name below.

Timothy Black

Member Support / Endorsements:  Instructions: Other Members can support you here!

Page History:

Instructions: These Page properties are used for the Index page

Candidate NameTim "Capt." Black