Instructions: Per the Bylaws, each candidate for the Board of Directors must submit a signed Statement of Intent. There are no requirements on the content, but typically it includes your Name, Goals, and Commitments.

I, Jack Smith, am submitting my Statement of Intent to run for the Board of Directors.

I'm looking forward to the next 2 years at DMS. The expansion is exciting, and although we always have challenges I believe the outlook is good, and we have good people engagement.

(Note: my motivations and the who am i section hasn't changed much... so this piece is only slightly edited from last year's SOI... 

Why I contribute?

I appreciate and support DMS because I believe in the mission. I believe it is good when people can express their creative vision and develop their innovative spark. DMS enables access to tools, learning, and building a supportive community. All of that is enjoyable and rewarding.

Who am I?

I’m Jack… yet another maker in the space. I'm served on the Board of Directors for 2022 and 2023, and was acting as the Secretary Officer for a little bit of that time.

For work I will be starting a new role on an innovations team in the energy sector. Yes, there is always a concern about people disappearing from the space when they start new jobs, but I've already checked the work/life balance at the new company and believe I will have zero issues continuing as a Director of DMS if elected.  (FWIW... DMS is on the "Life" side of the work/life balance... yes, I said it... DMS is Life...)

Outside of work I foster healthy relationships with emotional intelligence, and have a strong support structure of friends and family across the nation. I moved to Dallas a few years ago, met a woman, fell in love and got married.

Three of my personality traits:

  • Positive Attitude (even when dealing with issues, mistakes, and drama)
  • Helpful (without being controlling or demanding)
  • Able to focus and enjoy learning (Including listening)

My favorite thread on Talk:

  • Show and Tell… every month… definitely


You can message me on Talk (username TJSmith) or on the DMS Discord.

If I am elected, I can’t promise to be perfect, but I can commit to being a positive influence and a force for good in our community.

If I am not elected, I will still be contributing to the space, volunteering.

Instructions: Consider Posting a link to Talk for additional visibility.


Jack Smith

Member Support / Endorsements:  Instructions: Other Members can support you here!

Page History:

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Candidate NameJack Smith