


  • Introductions
  • Showed everyone in attendance where the PR calendar is located and that members have ability to add events
  • Discussed the approach Digital Media took with the Steamroller event
  • Keith discussed having more digital media live editing classes in the future to help grow members on editing and have more video editors to help in the space and social
  • James would like to have high-end tour videos made for our YouTube
    • 0:15 and 0:30 videos
    • Would eventually like to see high-end tours on homepage of website, like virtual tours
  • Kia- we need to keep content on YouTube consistent, different than social posts
  • Discussed incorporation playlist in YouTube channel as we build that audience
  • Incorporating new tool additions to space on social media, as we are made aware we are receiving new tools
  • Kia mentioned Megan Murray may have an interest in updating DMS's blog
  • The streaming cart was brought up and not many people knew we had live streaming opportunities and equipment
  • Jim D would like to know and figure out the access to DMS LinkedIn to help those small makers business promote their business
  • Art brought up we are underselling knowledge and expertise base at DMS. Members who are masters in their craft teaching new beginners, etc.
    • Could be a sweet spot for blog topics
  • Discussion around social media KPI's (key point indicators)
    • Kevin mentioned having a central location where any member can move their files, videos, etc and the PR committee can retrieve and post
      • Need to include this in new member orientation and also that it would be DMS IP as soon as they move to the folder. 
    • Jason- Ask Committee Chairs if they have a member who would like to be the POC to post on DMS's accounts
    • Discussion regarding committee individual accounts: Ceramics, Automotive, Creative Arts
      • Ask those who post to tag DMS so we can always see what they are posting / or tag as "Collaboration" so it will appear on the DMS feed
      • PR to request login/password of these accounts to ensure secure accounts for the future, if members leave PR can claim those accounts. 
    • Sam asked if we are using Reddit and Sub Reddits. He found DMS by Reddit so did Mia, have to navigate Reddit careful due to our post could be shown anywhere
      and the trolls who are everywhere with negative comments
    • Sam also asked about a Subaru event coming soon called "Subi-Fest" if we can have a PR presence there will discuss offline
    • Chuck and Sam brought up expanding our demographics as we always seem to get the same members. Persona meeting will be scheduled in the near future
    • Brought up how to educate members to post on social
      • Will have a "How to Guide" made and hand out in the July board meeting to Committee Chair
      • Also will pull some screen grabs of easy social posts for examples and move to a central location 
    • Max- asked what are our committees that drive membership and engagement to test for the next 2 months on social content
      • Committees that drive membership: Automotive, Laser, Ceramics and Jewelry were the top 
      • The Committees that could use some love: Woodshop, Creative Arts, 3-D Fab, and Glass could use some highlighting
        • CA Growth opportunities are Sewing and Cosplay, other areas will be discussed with CA Committee Chair and Sig Leaders

Discussion items


Action items

  • Gena Terranova Create a "How to Guide" on easy steps to post to social media and screen shot examples of different types of posts. Share to Kia as well to send through the chair discord channel and
  • at July Board Meeting
  • Gena Terranova share more information and location of PR calendar on Discord and Talk, educate committee chairs
  • kia khadem Create loation and files for social media submissions
  • Samuel Mitchell look more into Reddit opportunties
  • All- test out committee posts in the next 60 days to see which strong committee and smaller commitee and look in insights to measure performance
  • DMS Style Guide Design- Volunteer needed. 
  •  Talk to Paul about training others on the streaming cart
  • James Dziak look more into Linkedin DMS account and who may have access 
  • Future discussions
    • Persona identification of members, sponsors, knowledge experts, etc and start strategizing around these personas
  • Next meeting will be in July 2024