DMS Science Committee

About Us:

The DMS Science Committee exists to educate members in scientific, engineering, analytical, and technical subjects not covered by other committees or groups at Dallas Makerspace. It facilitates this goal through its children Special Interest Groups (SIGs) by providing resources and equipment for SIG projects and areas of study. The SIG's consist of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Rockets, and Scientific Computing.

A separate but equally important goal is to expand the socially accepted definition of what it means to do science and be a scientist. Science enthusiasts often want to do science, but only have the tools or skills to consume science in the form of online media. Our goal is to make doing science accessible to the common person.

Science Sunday

Our primary activity is Science Sunday where we gather together to have fun doing science together. If you have ideas for a project or are willing to prepare the fun activity, please do propose them here (Project and Activity Proposals) and come to our monthly meeting where we choose what to do. The goal is to learn from each other so we appreciate any knowledge or expertise you bring!

1.Fun Public Activity / Demonstration:  Whenever possible, we have a fun activity/demonstration that people can stop by and try regardless of their scientific background. This is typically targeted at all age groups although on occasion a higher minimum age is required (will be clearly noted). 

2.Rotating Group Research Projects: We do a rotating set of group projects each week such that people with different backgrounds can get involved. Our focus will be developing learning, tools, and resources, that can be useful to increasing capabilities here in the Science area or at the space as a whole. Results and guides will be published on the Science page as a resource for the community and the public.

Meeting Times:

Science Sundays occur on every Sunday at 3:00 PM except when there is a formal committee meeting (Fun Activity + Group Research Project Work Session)
Monthly formal committee meetings occur on the third Sunday of each month at 3:00 PM in the Lecture Hall (Group Research Project Session after the meeting)

Check for the next meeting.

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1 Comment

  1. All meeting minutes for the past few years up until December 2022 can be found on the Science Wiki page towards the bottom: