Andrew Falgout Statement of Intent 2014 Jump to: navigation, search Statement of Intent

This letter is to serve as formal notification that I, Andrew Falgout, am officially submitting my name to run for election to the Board of Directors for the Dallas Makerspace for the year 2014.

As part of this Letter of Intent, I also agree to the duties and functions expected of me in this position that include, but are not limited to:

   Making every effort to attend the annual meeting(s) and regular meetings.
   Perform the duties and responsibilities of Director as outlined in the Dallas Makerspace Bylaws as well as the Dallas Makerspace
   Rules and Policies.

If elected, I am fully aware and understand the importance of my full participation as a productive and effective leader during my tenure on the Dallas Makerspace Board of Directors, and I agree to the terms and conditions set forth above. I will work to make decisions that express the voice of the membership, and work hard to make their vision, dreams, and hopes my own.

Who am I? I am Andrew Falgout, husband to my lovely wife Lisa Falgout, father of four beautiful intelligent opinionated children, business owner, and a proud Maker. I came to the DMS with my interest in learning 3d printers. From there, I saw a void in the DMS, and worked to fill that void with the 3d Fabrication Committee. During the year it has been in existence, it has become a thriving community that has grown substantially, has been self sustaining with respect to consumables, and has aided many other aspects of the DMS. I wish to continue this work with the entire DMS in mind.

Nominated by: Romeo Espana

Having said that, I wish all the candidates the best of luck.

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