

Meeting called to order at 2:30 pm

Meeting adjourned at 3:26pm

No remote link


Kobin Caddick 

Kevin Thompson

Robert Virkus 

Yieu Chyan 

Russell Crow 

Will Broz

Margie Caddick



Planned Topics

  • Volunteer opportunities

    Roundtable updates on committee projects

    Fusor: Aiden: High voltage test completed, found a different  programmer.  No other updates.

    Committee fusor: Need to complete the vacuum test.  Russell found radioactivity class videos.

    Staubli robot arms:  No updates since last meeting.

    Fume hood: Fume hood has been successfully installed and is operational!  There are a few items to complete still (install a backdraft damper, possibly have a make up air supply duct installed, come up with a lab safety class, and set up waste management service)

    Yieu: presentation for the proposed rules and regulations for the hood.  Proposed new position of Safety Officer

    06-30-24 - Dallas Makerspace - Fume Hood Info.pptx

  • Summary:

    -All experiments must be approved by the safety officer; for a longer term project, applicant should propose the project at the committee meeting (use experiment approval form)

    -Fume hood rules (1st draft): users must complete a chemical safety course (maybe have this online)

    -3 proposed courses: Lab Chemical Safety, Lab Procedure Biology, Lab Procedure Chemistry

    -Banned materials: no explosives, no NFPA4 or above rated chemicals, no pyrophoric (self-flammable) materials, no making drugs, fuming acids ok if previous experience, no open flames with solvents, No spray painting or aerosols (no spray booth usage)

    -Need a sign “Lab in use” and “No food” when fume hood is being used; PPE will be required during this time

    -Additional security measures: cage for waste so accidental mixing doesn’t occur, listed chemicals in a lock box as required by law

    -Electronic RFID lock for fume hood

    -We have applied for accounts with Sigma, VWR

    Eyewash stations: need to check levels today.

    Rocket SIG: No updates.

    Electroplating: No updates.  Electroless plating: Yieu may be working on that as a side project.


    Soap making - Margie

    Fume hood class ideas: Oxidations, electroplating, anodizing, plating glass with gold or silver, essential oil distillation

    DIY Minimal CRT television - Kevin

    Electroplating: John (no updates)

    Build a simple analog computer using op amps - Rob

    Mushroom growing - We received the 1lb grow bags.  I made some media grow bags; need to order syringe

    Kevin - AI basics: will be on    Need to get help from digital media.

    Russell: radioactive class: will roll that in with the Fusion class in the future.

    Rob: solar cell or quantum dots

    Financial report:

    Balance: $unknown

    Proposed Purchases under $200: missing couplings for distillation glassware, storage cage for chemicals

    Discussion and voting on current issues

    -Everyday Astronaut on Youtube: interview with Elon Musk where he gives a tour of the Space-X facility

    -Charles Buhler interview: ESD and static charge expert with NASA

    -China’s static rocket launch broke the restraints and actually launched on accident

    -Book recommendation: Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen

    Calendar events: none upcoming

  • Chair elections

    • Kobin running for Chair for June to December 2024

    Goals for next 6 months: classes for fume hood, autoclave, sterile hood; set up waste disposal service; teach mushroom class; create “how to” manual for next chair with science specific responsibilities

Discussed Items

ItemWhoNotesVote ForVote AgainstVote Abstain

Chair Elections

June-Dec 2024

Kobin Caddick

Running for Chair


Vice Chair

June-Dec 2024

Yieu ChyanAppointed Vice Chair, Safety Officer, and Lab Manager---

Action items
