
The Laser Committee covers:

  • Training members in the safe, effective use of the Lasers
  • Care and maintenance of the lasers (The Epilog Fusion, Zing and Thunder Novas)
  • Consumables of the lasers (Lenses, Mirrors, Laser Tubes, Supplies, etc)
  • Maintenance of the laser computers in cooperation with Infrastructure
  • The list of acceptable materials for use with the laser cutter. Ask if questionable.
  • Promotion of interest in laser technology.

Welcome to the World of DMS Lasering!
Congratulations on finding our Source page, the official record of the committee and chock full of useful information for members. Makers are always learning, so there will be changes as the Laser Committee becomes more knowledgeable about operation and maintenance. Frequent changes makes it difficult for you, our members, to stay up to date. Fortunately, technology makes it easy. Simply Watch this page to receive change notices by email. Help govern the area by joining the Laser Committee, there's always room for more people. Check the calendar for meeting times or find us online. Most meetings are followed up by a brief maintenance day and are a great opportunity to learn more about the lasers. Happy Lasering!

Upcoming Classes & Events

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Meeting Notes

Committee Meetings




Recent space activity

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