Rule and Policy Changes

These rules and policies are subject to change. Changes will become effective immediately upon successful vote of adoption by the Board of Directors. The DMS Secretary shall maintain the documented version of the official DMS Rules and Bylaws. A summarized version of these rules will be posted in the space, with a link to the full rules.

Code of Conduct

  1. All guests and members must follow the Code of Conduct.
  2. Safety is important, if you are unsure of how to safely do something, don’t do it.
  3. The Board of Directors may expel anyone who violates the Code of Conduct via resolution from the premises, online systems, or at sponsored events.
  4. Officers of the Corporation may temporarily suspend a member from the Dallas Makerspace premises, online systems, or at sponsored events provided the following conditions are met:
    1. The member presents a serious threat to health or safety, engages in illegal or threatening behavior, disturbs the peace, is forcibly removed from the premises by law enforcement, or other behavior that presents a major risk to the organization
    2. The temporary suspension will be for the shorter of: a period specified by the Officer, 30 days, the next scheduled Board Meeting, or a special Board meeting addressing the incident
    3. The member being suspended, other Officers, and the Board of Directors are informed in writing as soon as possible
    4. Upon reviewing reasonably complete details of the incident and believing a temporary suspension to be in error, a Board member may revoke a temporary expulsion; the Board of Directors may also opt to rescind a temporary suspension by resolution
    5. The power to temporarily suspend may not be delegated - only the named Officer may perform the temporary expulsion
  5. Don't merely respect each other; be excellent to each other.
    1. We are all here to make things and learn. Collaboration is important.
    2. When you break something, own up to it. If you have any doubt about fixing it, ask for help. Don't make someone feel bad for breaking things, help them understand what went wrong.[1]
    3. Clean, Maintain, Organize, Improve. Always leave the space better than you found it.[2]
    4. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Answer them kindly; eventually you'll have to ask for help too.
    5. Tools/resources must stay on the premises so that other members may use them. Removing tools/resources from the space without authorization from an Officer or member of the Board of Directors is theft.
      1. An Officer or Director may authorize the temporary removal of a tool/resource for purposes relevant to organizational business
      2. The Chair or Vice-Chair of the Committee responsible for the tool/resource may authorize its removal for maintenance purposes but shall notify the Board of Directors of its removal, the specific purpose of its removal, the party/parties in custody, and its expected date of return.
      3. Committees may authorize the routine borrowing of portable tools for legitimate member learning opportunities through clearly-defined checkout processes lasting no longer than 48 hours that do not interfere with scheduled classes/events and complete, accessible records of checked-out tools are kept
  6. Only persons or members that have been formally authorized to act as an agent or representative for the Dallas Makerspace, are permitted to represent DMS in any and all conversations, writing, or other communication with any public official. Failure to secure permission may result in the forfeiture of membership.
  7. Everyone must sign a liability waiver.
  8. Sleeping within DMS is not permitted. Naps are not prohibited, provided the nap is less than 20 minutes in length, and the member is not laying down in a prone position. Sleeping will only be considered a nap while in the upright sitting position.
  9. All members are expected to maintain a safe and clean environment at all times.
  10. Smoking cigarettes/cigars, use of vaporizers (also known as electronic cigarettes) is not allowed inside the building.
  11. No pets allowed in the building.
  12. Don't catch fire, set others on fire, or set anything on fire which has not been designated or designed to be on fire.
  13. Spray paint is not allowed to be stored or used on DMS property or the adjacent property and parking lots. (Due to Carrollton city ordinance spray booth requirements.)
  14. Harmful behavior, harrassment, stalking, theft, hazing, and otherwise being the opposite of excellent is unacceptable.
  15. It is the responsibility of each member to help enforce the Code of Conduct. If someone is violating the Code of Conduct politely explain to them why their behavior is not acceptable. Egregious violations should be reported to a Director or the Officers.


  1. Guests can not inhabit the Dallas Makerspace without another keyed Member present.
  2. Guests are encouraged to become Members.
  3. Guests are not allowed to use tools and equipment, except as part of a scheduled class/workshop.
  4. Members are responsible for their Guests and their actions.


  1. A Primary Member must be at least 18 years of age
  2. The DMS is not a day care.
  3. Minors 15 and under must be accompanied closely by Parent or Legal Guardian at all times and are not allowed to have keys to the space.
    1. Accompanied closely means visual range generally, and immediate reach when near dangerous tools.
  4. Parents/Legal Guardians are responsible for their children and their actions.
  5. Minors under the age of 18 must have their liability form signed by a Parent or Legal Guardian.

Formal Complaints

The formal complaint process exists for members to request a discussion be held by the Board of Directors regarding specific actions of another member. Members are expected to discuss their complaints in a calm and polite manner. Mediation is available to resolve issues without the need of a formal complaint.

  1. Formal complaints against another member must be submitted, in writing, to the Board of Directors or to any member of the Board of Directors.[3] The complaint must have two parts outlined at minimum, a "Complaint" part and a "Recommended Solution" part.
  2. The Board of Directors may decide through informal consensus to either hold a special meeting regarding this matter or consider it at the next meeting in its cycle.
  3. The Board of Directors is not required to act in accordance to the grievance or complainant's "Recommended Solution" part and may devise its own remediation.
  4. Complaints will be added to the agenda of the meeting, posted on this wiki, without identifying information.
  5. Minutes for the meeting will not be scrubbed of identifying information.
  6. Any disciplinary action for which one or more of the Board of Directors or officers of the corporation (acting in their role as an officer) are involved require that a written record of the action, reason(s) for the action, and acknowledgement of the accused be sent to the Board of Directors for keeping.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Dallas Makerspace does not promote or discriminate against any person, population group, or organization with regard to categories protected by applicable United States law. These include, but are not limited to race, color, religion, sex, gender expression, physical appearance, language, education background, national origin, age, disability, and veteran status.

Anti-Harassment Policy

Harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any person who feels they have been the victim of harassment should ask the harasser to cease the behavior, if they feel safe doing so. Members or guests asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Harassment includes the following, without limitation:

  1. Offensive comments related to race, religion, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, or physical appearance
  2. Gratuitous sexual or obscene images or behavior in spaces where not appropriate
  3. Unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention without consent or after a request to stop
  4. Threats or incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to engage in self-harm
  5. Deliberate intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or menacing behavior
  6. Stalking
  7. Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes
  8. Continued one-on-one contact or communication after requests to cease
  9. Deliberate "outing" of a sensitive aspect of a person’s identity without their consent
  10. Deliberate misgendering. This includes deadnaming or persistently using a pronoun that does not correctly reflect a person's gender identity


All work on firearms, as defined by the Dallas Makerspace (DMS) in section 1 below, is strictly prohibited unless specifically exempted in section 2.

  • “Firearm” within this policy is deliberately far broader than most legal definitions
  • "Work" or "Working" on a firearm means creating, modifying, or assembling section 1 item(s) together with other section 1 item(s) or section 2 item(s)

Violation of this policy may lead to expulsion from DMS and/or filing a criminal complaint with the relevant authorities.

  1. Section 1: Work on the following items is explicitly and strictly prohibited:
    1. Firearm: a device that expels a projectile or projectiles by means of a deflagrating propellant (i.e. the deflagration or detonation of gunpowder or other similar propellant). This includes not only the BATFE definition of a firearm - its receiver - but also firearm-specific components that attach to a firearm (unless specifically exempted in section 2) including but not limited to barrels, cylinders, magazines, charging handles, safeties, buffers, actions, barrel bushings, linkages, extractors, firing pins, trunions, recoil springs, gas blocks.
    2. Replicas: Meant to closely resemble a firearm while lacking the ability to expel a projectile or projectiles
    3. Suppressors or Silencers: Reduce the sonic concussion of expelling a projectile or projectiles
    4. Reloading: All activities associated with the production of ammunition, including but not limited to processing primers, gunpowder/propellant, cases, and projectiles
  2. Section 2: Work on the following firearm-related items are exempted, subject to conditions:
    1. Devices that expel a projectile or projectiles by non-deflagrating propellant means: Examples include springs, compressed air/gas, electronic, mechanical action. Not exempted are components interchangeable with firearms as defined in the previous section.
    2. Slings: Slings and sling attachments opposite point of attachment to the firearm
    3. Fasteners and commodity hardware: Standard components used on firearms not specific to firearms
    4. Sights: Scopes, sights, lasers, flashlights, etc not integral to the firearm
    5. Bipods: And other firearm supports if removable without tools
    6. Stocks and grips: May be made, refined, or modified at DMS
    7. Props: Non-firearm devices that do not closely resemble actual firearms such as sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk creations. Must not include devices from section 1.
  3. Checking the fit of exempted items (i.e. stock, sling, sights, etc) from section 2 to a firearm in section 1 at DMS is prohibited. Section 2 items may be separated from Section 1 items at DMS, however they are not to be attached at DMS.

Commercial Use

  1. The Dallas Makerspace is based on open source ideals and thus encourages its membership to embrace those ideals as well, however members reserve the rights to all of their creations.
  2. DMS may invoice members for incurring costs to DMS significantly in excess of their monthly dues. Determination of excess to be submitted by Committee Chairs and the member billed by resolution of the Board.
  3. Dallas Makerspace Does Not allow any Commercial automotive work of any kind at the space. (per 2023-07-12 BoD meeting)

Intoxicating Substance Policy

  1. The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or other intoxicating substances is prohibited anywhere on or within the premises, parking lot, or common walkways of the Dallas Makerspace.
  2. Anyone suspected of being intoxicated or impaired will be asked to leave the premises immediately and may be subject to additional disciplinary action. Refusal to leave will result in a call to local Police.
  3. Anyone observing this behavior should escalate to an officer or director. If there is not one present, a message should be sent to [email protected] with the date, time, location of the incident, name of the offender, witness names and any other relevant details.

Privacy Policy

It shall be the policy of the Dallas Makerspace to comply with all laws, whether Federal, State, or Local, with respect to the display, discussion, or provision to any party, formation which identifies an individual or provides sensitive personal information, as a result of any otherwise legal request. This includes all information as identified by Section 521 of the Texas Business and Commerce code. In addition, the Dallas Makerspace will not provide or display any information which may subject a member to fraud, identity theft, harassment, or provide a means for subjecting the member to increased risk of fraud, identity theft, or which may enable another person to engage in Internet fraud or attack, or may enable another to identify, contact, or distinguish any member, without the express written consent of the member(s) owning the data. Various systems and tools, including forums, are structured in such a way that certain types of communications, actions, or stored information are represented as private, or require enhanced access to see. This would include items such as private messages, user data, or user actions, and other functions where a user's actions are not routinely visible, and where a user may feel a reasonable expectation of privacy. It is the Policy of the Dallas Makerspace that such items are not "books and records", and therefore such items will not be available for inspection or disclosure request under the terms of our by-laws and applicable law.

Various members of the Dallas Makerspace, acting within their capacity as officers or assigns, may access such information only to the extent necessary to perform their job function, on a need to know basis, and subject to the absolute prohibition on the provision of any information covered by this policy, to any other person or entity, without the explicit written permission of the Board of Directors.

In compliance with law and our bylaws, DMS will provide Member's names and physical adress only, in response to a valid request for member information.

The Dallas Makerspace will comply with requests lawfully made by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Membership Dues

All dues are paid in advance and are recurring. Check/cash[5] is accepted only for yearly memberships.

Members who pay for a Yearly Membership will be given a 10% discount off the standard Regular Membership rate.

When membership dues increase, members shall be grandfathered on their current rate schedule unless a lapse of 14 days occurs, at which time the current rate schedule will apply.

Current Rate Schedule

Rate Schedule is effective 10/13/2019.

Plan NameRateNotes
Monthly Membership$60/moEligible for voting rights after 90 days, see Voting Rights.
Student/Senior/Veteran/Disabled$40/moThis rate is for members who qualify under one of these three categories: in school, senior, veteran, or disabled (with Social Security Benefit Verification Letter). Please open a support ticket at to find out if you qualify. Eligible for voting rights after 90 days, see Voting Rights.
First Responder$40/moThis rate is for members who qualify under one of these categories: active law enforcement, active firefighter, active paramedic/EMS. Please open a support ticket at to find out if you qualify. Eligible for voting rights after 90 days, see Voting Rights.
Yearly Membership$648/yearThis rate is 10% off the monthly rate of $60. Eligible for voting rights after 90 days, see Voting Rights.
Family Membership Add-on$15/moThis rate applies to family members (living in the same household) of a member paying the $60/mo or $648/year plan. These members have access to the space but will not be eligible for voting rights.

Rate Schedules No Longer Offered

This section is not part of the rules and exists for reference purposes only

These rates/programs are no longer available but are grandfathered for existing members that have an active subscription at said rates.

  • Monthly Membership: $30, $40, $50 / month, predating rate changes in 2011 and 2019
  • Starving Hacker: This program has been redefined as "Student/Senior/Veteran"

Voting Rights

  1. All members start off as Supporting Members, with no voting rights.[6]
  2. A Supporting Member must have been a member for the immediate past 90 days to request voting rights and become a Regular Member. Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis jointly by Officers and .
  3. A member's application to change from Supporting Member to Regular Member must be submitted:
    1. Via email to [email protected] from the email address registered on their account,
    2. Thru other electronic registration approved by the Board of Directors.
    3. Rights will be effective upon receipt of the e-mail or electronic registration.
  4. Members added via the Family rate will not be allowed voting rights.
  5. After each Board election cycle the voting rights of each member will be reset and will need to be requested for the next election.

Classes & Events

  1. Classes/events must be on the official calendar to be considered scheduled. Adding classes/events to the calendar can be done from our calendar management system.
  2. Scheduled classes/events should uphold our Mission Statement.
  3. Scheduled classes/events take priority over unscheduled classes/events.
  4. Scheduling conflicts should be worked out peaceably by the affected parties. Disputes will be arbitrated by committee chairs and appealed to the board.
  5. All classes/events must be sponsored by a current member, who must be present during the class/event.
  6. Guest access to the facility will be limited as required by the class/event.
  7. Terms and conditions for classes/events can be dictated and modified by the Board of Directors.
  8. The education coordinator, directors, officers, honorarium auditors and calendar administrators may at their discretion cancel or modify scheduled classes or events that are not in keeping with the DMS mission, are deemed inappropriate for DMS, are deemed not to be actual classes/events, represent an abuse of the calendar system, or represent abuse of DMS resources.  The Board of Directors can overturn decisions made by honorarium auditors and calendar administrators.

Outside Events 

      1. Outside events are defined as any event that is unaffiliated with DMS and not sponsored by a committee.
      2. Outside events must use the two rooms in the north lobby unless prior arrangements are made with officers or board of directors. Arrangements must be made prior to the event’s approval.
      3. Limit group size to occupancy of room.
      4. Nonmembers must stay in the front lobby area, unless accompanied by a member or on tours.
      5. All guests must sign a waiver.
      6. Any arrangements must be made by emailing [email protected].
      7. All events must be posted on the DMS events calendar.
      8. Outside events must have a member sponsor and that member sponsor must be onsite from beginning to end of event.
      9. Outside events must be open to DMS members unless prior arrangements have been made
    10. Outside events must not prop open any badge access door unless prior arrangement is made.

Honorarium Rules

In furtherance of our mission, Dallas Makerspace may pay honorarium to teachers as a “thank you” for teaching.  The rules below govern the honorarium program and may be modified by the Board of Directors at any time.


  1. All persons wishing to collect honorarium in excess of $600 per year must provide a W-9 to DMS’ bookkeepers (
  2. All classes are subject to scrutiny especially where subject matter is vague, potentially unrelated to making, or instruction time is less than 90 minutes to ensure quality of material and value to the DMS and members.
  3. Honorarium auditors cannot approve their own classes or events where honorarium has been requested.
  4. For the duration of their term, no Director may accept honorariums directly from the Dallas Makerspace. 

Honorarium Payment Policies

  1. Honorarium payments to teachers will be $50.00 per class taught provided subject and attendance requirements are met.
  2. Honorarium payments will be limited to six (6) per teacher, per month.  This class limit will be periodically reviewed and adjusted by the Board of Directors.
  3. Teachers will have the option to donate the honorariums they are eligible for to the committee of their choice at the time the class is posted on the DMS calendar.
  4. For all honorarium classes 3 attendees are required to receive honorarium.
    1. Upon request by the Committee Chair, the Board may approve an exception for this class attendance minimum if the 1) class size is limited because of access to tools, 2) focuses on safety in nature, 3) is required for tool access, AND 4) is in high demand. This exception does not require the Chair to fully or even partially implement the exception.
  5. When a honorarium is requested by a teacher, any class fees requested by the teacher can not exceed the cost of materials and supplies. ( BoD Reference )

Organizational Meetings

  1. Board meetings with open agendas shall be posted on the Dallas Makerspace Events calendar.
  2. The President shall preside over the Board meetings.
  3. If the President is unavailable, the members of the Board of Directors who are present will choose, via consensus, a temporary meeting chair.
  4. If no member of the Board is present or consensus can not be reached, the committee chairpersons present will vote to determine the temporary meeting chair.
  5. The board of directors may not allocate more than 5% of the checking account balance on discretionary spending without a current financial status from the financial committee or treasurer.


Committees are voluntary groups, formed in order to operate and maintain an area of the Makerspace, foster growth of a community of interested persons, or accomplish certain needs, subject to the oversight of the Board of Directors.


  1. At least 5 members are required to form a committee.
  2. There is no limit to the number of committees a member can serve on.
  3. If the number of committee members drops below 5, the committee will have a grace period of 30 days in order to recruit enough members to remain active. 
  4. Committees shall hold meetings each calendar month at minimum. Committee meetings shall be regularly scheduled on either a specific day of the month (for example, the 13th) or a specified day of the week (for example, the second Monday of each month.)

Committee Leadership

  1. Committees shall have a Chair and a Vice Chair who will serve until a Chair-Elect is nominated by the committee during a Chair Election, dismissal of the Chair by the Board of Directors, or the Board of Directors appoints a replacement Chair
  2. Duties of the Committee Chair:
    1. The principal duty of the Chair is the recruitment of Committee members, and organization of volunteer activities needed to operate and maintain the Committee resources.
    2. Responsible for operations of the committee, providing reports on the status and activities of the committee at the monthly membership meeting, and managing the finances of the committee. This will include reviewing financial transactions attributed to their committee and working with the Treasurer or Accountant to correct any errors.
    3. Maintaining the safety of the Committee area, including ensuring the safe operation of all tooling.
    4. Maintaining good order of committee area and resources, ensuring adequate supplies of consumable items are maintained.
    5. Enforcing the rules established by the committee, and of the Dallas Makerspace within their area.
    6. Maintain an accurate inventory of all Tools in the format provided by the Board.
    7. Appoint a Vice Chair
  3. Duties of the Vice Chair
    1. Assist the Chair, as determined by the Chair or by the Committee at large
    2. Provide oversight and supervision of the Committee area when Chair is not present
    3. Help Chair with reviewing financial transactions attributed to their committee and working with the Treasurer or Accountant to correct any errors.
    4. Serve as Interim Chair when:
      1. The Chair is not available for an extended period
      2. Has resigned

Chair Elections

  1. Committees shall meet and vote on a Chair to nominate for confirmation by the Board of Directors
    1. In advance of the May and November Board of Directors meetings
    2. When directed to do so by resolution of the Board of Directors
  2. The winning candidate shall become Chair-Elect and assume the duties of the Chair
  3. The Chair-Elect shall appoint a Vice Chair Elect who assume the duties of the Vice Chair
  4. The Board of Directors shall consider the committee’s nomination of the Chair Elect at the soonest convenient Board Meeting, and may opt to do one of the following:
    1. Confirm the Chair-Elect, upon which the Chair-Elect and Vice Chair-Elect become Chair and Vice Chair, respectively
    2. Reject the nomination of the Chair-Elect and appoint a different Chair, whom shall name a Vice-Chair
    3. Reject the nomination of the Chair-Elect and direct the committee to hold another election which shall occur at the next scheduled committee meeting

Committee Responsibilities and Rules

  1. Committee purchasing is controlled by the Financial Policy Manual, Board-set allocation and authorization limits.
  2. Committees are responsible for establishing the rules of the Committee area.
  3. The Chair/Vice-Chair shall be empowered to enforce the rules of the Committee, and of the Dallas Makerspace within the Committee area, and may limit access to the Committee area for a time not to exceed the last day of the subsequent month. The Chair may petition the Board to enforce a longer or more stringent consequence.
  4. Committee meetings must be posted on the calendar and announced on the forums. Meetings to select a chair recommendation shall be published a minimum of 13 days and 12 hours in advance.
  5. Committees shall make a good faith effort to publicly post meeting agenda items in advance of each meeting so that committee members may review and discuss them.
  6. Committee meeting minutes must be posted in a timely fashion on the wiki following the conclusion of each meeting and shall adhere to standards established by the Secretary.
  7. The Chair may hold an emergency Committee meeting with 5 days notice on the forums of DMS, and on signs conspicuously posted in the committee area, provided a good faith effort to notify all current committee members is performed, and that the time of the meeting is not unreasonably restrictive on the members.
  8. Committees may establish other positions as needed to ensure the effective operation of the committee, or to accomplish Committee goals. Ad Hoc positions with spending authority, or administrative access to DMS resources, require the approval of the Board.
  9. Each committee will need to maintain a page on the Confluence/Source with at least the following information:
    1. The name of the committee chair
    2. A list of all active members
    3. A brief statement listing the goals or tasks assigned to the committee.
    4. The category tag,either:
      [[Category:Active Committee]]
      [[Category:Proposed Committee]]
    5. All rules made by the committee for committee areas or covering all committee equipment.
    6. Any new rules made by the committee for specific committee equipment.

Active Committees

A list of active committees can be found in the Active Committees category.

Inactive Committees

A list of inactive committees can be found in the Inactive Committees category.

Proposed Committees

A list of proposed committees can be found in the Proposed Committees category. 

Special Interest Groups (SIG)


  1. At least 3 DMS Members are required to form a Special Interest Group
  2. SIGs may be focused on any topic/subject matter as long as the subject matter does not conflict with DMS’ Code of Conduct

Formal SIGs

  1. A Formal SIG is a sub-unit of a committee and must have a sponsoring Committee
  2. To be a Formal SIG, the Sponsoring Committee must vote to add it and include the vote in its Committee Meeting Minutes
  3. The Sponsoring Committee will provide budget and/or space as it sees fit.  However, the Sponsoring Committee maintains control of said resources
  4. The Formal SIG will exist as a Formal SIG at the leisure of the Sponsoring Committee

Informal SIGs

  1. An informal SIG is not sponsored by a Committee
  2. Informal SIGs are not subject to any special rules or privileges outside of those governing DMS Members
  3. To utilize DMS communication tools such as Talk and Discord, the Informal SIG needs to be recognized
  4. To be recognized, the Informal SIG needs to send a simple message to the Secretary ([email protected]) with name of the SIG, the objective of the SIG, and the Members that voted to form the SIG.
  5. Informal SIGs can be terminated at any time by the Board (examples might include, inactivity, bad behavior, etc.)


The organization's finances are controlled by the Financial Policy Manual.

Organizational Roles and Responsibilities

Treasurer and Financial Group

The duties of the Treasurer and Financial Group are defined in the Financial Policy Manual, Dallas Makerspace Treasurer's Office.

Other Officers

Other Dallas Makerspace Officers are defined on their respective pages in the Officers section.

Property and Equipment


  1. The Dallas Makerspace is not a storage facility, personal property left at the space that does not follow these rules, will be considered donations.
  2. Personal property can only be stored in designated Project Storage Areas.
  3. Personal property stored in the Project Storage Areas must follow the rules and policies created by the COO which may be changed at any time.
  4. Personal property may be stored elsewhere with the approval of a member of the Board or by a vote of the membership.
  5. Firearms, gunpowder, primers, and assembled ammunition cannot be stored at the Makerspace.
  6. All tools must be claimed by a committee. Committees are ultimately responsible for the maintenance, upkeep and training of tools.
  7. Personal property left outside of designated storage areas for more than 24 hours without permission from the COO will be considered abandoned and will be dealt with how the COO sees fit. Please ask for permission rather than forgiveness for storing unusual items.

Storage in Committee Areas

  1. Anything in a committee area is available for use by all members unless documented/labeled as training required.
  2. Items that require training may be secured, but a path to obtain use of said tool should be documented.
  3. If a person must be contacted to use a tool, 2 or more points of contact must be listed on/around tool.
  4. Storage of materials is not be permitted in committee areas unless there is a defined/documented area.
  5. For items to be considered on display and not storage, items have to be in a designated area.
  6. Anything that is a personal item in a committee area must have gone through the Loaning of Tools & Equipment to the Makerspace
  7. If training is required and not set up at least once a month, the personal item on loan is subject to removal within 30 days.

Loaning of Tools & Equipment To The Makerspace

Members can generously provide tools or equipment for use in the space, either by donating them outright or by loaning them.

When equipment is loaned, the following conditions apply:

  1. All loaned equipment must be marked or labeled with the owner’s name
  2. Permission of the accepting committee - which will be responsible for the tool - must be obtained before the loan will be accepted
  3. The owner must contact the accepting committee so that they can record the following information:
    1. Name of owner
    2. Equipment being loaned
    3. Serial number if available
    4. Terms or conditions of the loan
  4. Equipment is loaned subject to the understanding that it is preferable for DMS to own their equipment, rather than borrow it. DMS may seek to buy equipment in order to replace loaned items, which are then returned.
  5. Loaned items may be returned at any time, by request of the owner or as determined by the accepting committee.
  6. DMS is NOT responsible for maintenance of loaned equipment, but may maintain it as determined by the accepting committee.
  7. DMS is NOT responsible for the damage, theft, or loss of equipment. However, efforts will be made to provide reasonably secure storage.


  1. Donations of items intended to be used or consumed by the DMS
    1. Must be explicitly accepted by the committee chairperson in whose area the items are to be stored or used
    2. The Treasurer may reject donations at their discretion
    3. Donations not explicitly accepted by a committee will not be accepted by DMS; if the donor delivers them to DMS without explicit acceptance they will be disposed of as the COO sees fit
  2. Donations of motor vehicles must have written approval of 3 board members

Member Exchange Shelf

  1. A Member Exchange (Freebie) shelf will be made available for members to give to and take items from at COO discretion; if no shelf is being made available, these rules no longer apply
  2. Items placed on the Member Exchange Shelf
    1. Are not donations to DMS
    2. Are available for members to claim once placed on the shelf
  3. Certain items are not accepted. The COO or its successor regulates the list of unacceptable items. The complete list can be found on the Logistics Committee page.
  4. Claiming items from the shelf
    1. Items removed from the freebie shelf become the property of the member removing them, effective once the item has been removed from the shelf
    2. Items left on the shelf cannot be claimed regardless of verbal claims made, labels placed on items, or any other action other than removal from the shelf and its general vicinity
  5. The Member Exchange Shelf is maintained by COO, which may implement additional processes in the interest of safety and orderly operation of the Member Exchange Shelf

Disposition of Assets

Any committee or group wishing to dispose of non-consumable Assets belonging to DMS will submit to the Treasurer, no less than three days prior to the proposed disposition:

  • If in the case of Assets that are to be destroyed or thrown away, a list of the Assets and a statement that they hold no or de minimis value and stating that the effort of sale is unlikely to produce funds in excess of the costs of sale. Upon review, the Treasurer may inform the prospective disposer that the disposal shall be referred to the board. The Board will the review the proposal at its earliest convenience, but until such time, the items will not be disposed.
  • If in the case of assets that are to be sold, a list of the assets and a statement of where it is proposed they be sold or offered for sale as well as the asking price.
    • For items estimated to be worth, on an individual basis, not more than $1000 the Treasurer can approve or deny the proposed sale. In the case of denial he/she will inform the Board and the committee/group in writing of his/her reason for doing so and the committee or group may appeal the decision to the Board.
    • For items estimated to be worth, on an individual basis, more than $1000, the decision will be referred to the Board to approve or deny the sale. This decision shall be final.

For Items that have been approved for sale:

  1. They will be offered for sale to the public on internet sites generally known to facilitate the transaction of secondhand goods (e.g. Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc.) or at such other public places as explicitly approved by the Treasurer.
  2. If offered for sale on an internet site, they will be listed for a minimum of 24 hours before any member of DMS is eligible to purchase and in no case will an offer from a DMS member lower than the then-listed asking price be considered.
  3. If sold through other venues (e.g. auction house, garage sale, consignment store, etc.) the membership will be treated exactly the same as the general public and will receive no preferential treatment whatsoever.
  4. Upon the sale of an item, the seller will complete a Bill of Sale, in the form approved by the treasurer; provide a copy to the buyer, and place the bill of sale and the funds generated in the finance box.


Members are not permitted to store running or non-running vehicles at the Dallas Makerspace. All cars must be removed from the premises after work, and may not be stored overnight without the permission of the COO who may grant an exception for one 24 hour period only. All vehicles left more than 48 hours will be towed without notice at the owners expense. No exceptions.

Dallas makerspace will not allow any repairs, washing, or oil changes in the parking lot, drive areas, truck courts, or common areas of the building.

Vehicles owned by Members only may use makerspace provided power in the DMS Parking Lot as long as they are working at DMS, and no parking rules outlined above are broken.

If power is used extensively (as discretion of the DMS Directors and Officers), the Member shall make a donation to DMS to offset the cost of the power.


These notes are not officially part of the Rules or Bylaws and are only meant to provide additional information or an interpretation of the Rules and/or Bylaws.

  1. You will not be asked to replace/repair equipment due to honest mistakes, we just want to know why something broke so we can prevent it in the future.
  2. This includes taking out the trash, wiping down tables, vacuuming/sweeping floors, returning tools to the proper place, etc.
  3. Primary contact is via [email protected]
  4. The previous firearms policy has been replaced as of the 2019-11-17 BoD meeting
  5. Per BoD 2019-08-25 7.1, cash is no longer accepted for payment of dues
  6. Per our Bylaws we have two classes of membership: Supporting Members and Regular Members. The only difference between these two classes is that Regular Members have been granted voting rights within the organization.
  7. This resource is no longer available due to maintenance problems and inaccuracies in reporting.

Footnote Test

Honorarium Change: Per BoD minutes 2024-xx-xx Honorarium rules have changed

    Honorarium change per BoD minutes 2024-07-xx

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Rules updated per 2023-07-12 BoD meeting